11 Best Home Remedies To Reduce Acne Scars In a Week
Dealing with acne and acne scars is a time-consuming and challenging journey. It impacts the overall skin as well as the personality of the person dealing with this issue. This blog is going to give you comprehensive knowledge about inexpensive yet very effective ingredients that will help you reduce acne scars in a week.
Why Do We Opt for Home Remedies?
Traditional or natural methods to cure certain ailments by using easily available ingredients, particularly at home, are called home remedies. This process involves the usage of vegetables, spices, fruits, herbs, wild plants, and other home ingredients to promote certain health-related conditions or ailments.
However, here we are concerned about the acne scars. Let’s have a quick look at these remedies and their methods.
1. Aloe Vera Gel
The best remedy to reduce acne scars on the face is to apply Aloe Vera gel. Aloe vera is a potent ingredient that significantly reduces acne scars. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
How to Use:
- Take a spoonful of aloe vera gel.
- Put an equal amount of rose water in it.
- Add 2–3 drops of tea tree oil in it.
- Mix well and apply on acne-affected skin areas or the entire face.
- Rinse it after 20 minutes.
2. Honey
Honey is also one of the best home remedies to reduce acne scars. It has several benefits for the skin. It works well against inflammation, fungus, and bacteria. Besides that, it contains wound-healing properties. Here is a quick remedy.

How to Use:
- Take one-fourth teaspoon of honey.
- Add 2 pinches of cinnamon powder.
- Apply on the face gently.
- Leave for 20 minutes.
- And then rinse off with lukewarm water.
- Follow with a gel-based moisturizer.
3. Rose water
The benefits of rose water are beyond the scope of a pen for acne-prone skin. It is another simple and easy home remedy to reduce acne scars from the skin. It is also rich in phenolics that work as an antioxidant for the skin.

Let’s have a quick look at the rose water home remedy for acne scars.
How to Use:
- Take 50 ml of rose water in a spray bottle.
- Add extracted green tea.
- Shake them well and put this bottle in the fridge.
- Apply it thrice a day.
It will reduce the irritation of the skin, and also help to reduce stubborn acne scars by using it regularly.
4. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a very effective home remedy to reduce acne scars on the skin. But before using it, a patch test is recommended as it might cause a little irritation. It must be used in diluted form, like mixing it in almond oil will make it even better. A milder texture of oil penetrates easily into deep skin layers and works properly to reduce acne scars.

How to Use:
- Take 1 drop of tea tree oil
- Take 12 drops of almond oil.
- Mix them well.
- Apply 2–3 drops of this mixed oil. (Caution: Do not exceed the limit, as too much oil on the face may irritate.)
5. Turmeric
Turmeric has been used as one of the favorite skin care ingredients for centuries. Curcumin, found in turmeric, has massive skin-lightening properties. Its extraordinary powers make it one of the best homemade remedies to reduce acne scars.

How to Use:
- Take one-fourth teaspoon of turmeric.
- Add half a teaspoon of gram flour in it.
- To make a mixture, add some rose water and make a smooth face pack.
- Apply on the face and rinse it off after 15–20 minutes.
6. Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds have immense healing properties. This magical ingredient is under-studied in skincare. It can be used as a remedy to reduce acne scars on the face, as it has alkaloids and flavonoids.
However, some people may find it tricky to use this ingredient on their face. This blog will give you a short way to get good skin by using this magical seed. Here is the method;

How to Use:
- Take a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds.
- Soak them for 2–3 hours.
- Blend the water and seeds well to make a paste.
- Add a few drops of fenugreek oil to it.
- Apply this pack to your face for 10 minutes.
- Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
7. Cucumber
Cucumber has been used as an effective part of the skincare regimen by a lot of people because it has proven benefits for the skin to make it healthy and fresh. It helps to soothe the skin when the skin feels irritated due to acne scars and breakouts. It has refreshing power in it, making it a good homemade remedy to reduce acne scars.

How to Use:
- Make a paste of cucumber.
- Add half a teaspoon of honey to this paste.
- Apply it on the face.
- Rinse off after 15 minutes.
It will help to clean the pores and reduce the scars on the face, besides giving a refreshing and soothing effect to irritated skin.
8. Rice and Honey Mask
You might have heard about the usage of rice for skin care. This magical item contains Vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, vitamin B, and niacin, which give it an exceptional power to brighten up the skin and make it smooth. These benefits make this ingredient the best home remedy for acne scars.
You can use rice to make DIY sprays as well as face masks. Here we are going to discuss the rice face pack.
How to Use:
- Take 1 tablespoon of rice flour.
- Add one-fourth teaspoon of honey in it.
- Put rose water in it to make a paste.
- Apply this magical pack on your face, mainly focusing on your affected areas.
- Rinse off after a few minutes.
9. Potato juice
In recent times, potatoes have gained popularity for their benefits of topical applications to treat ailments and many skin-related concerns.
Potatoes have a major benefit of controlling excess oil production, which is a main cause of acne breakout.

How to Use:
- Take a medium-sized potato and peel it off.
- Cut it into medium sizes and blend them in a blender with a small quantity of water.
- Use a strainer to extract the juice from it.
- Apply this juice with the help of cotton.
- Leave for 10–20 minutes and rinse off.
- You can apply it 3–4 times a week or regularly as well.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a very effective and inexpensive home remedy for acne scars. For a skin having acne scars can be treated by using this vinegar as it contains countless benefits for acne-prone skin.

How to Use:
- Take apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle.
- Dilute it by adding water to it.
- Spray it on your face twice a day.
- It will help in reducing itching as well as it will reduce the acne scars.
11. Clay mask
The usage of clay masks is quite common in skin care. It can be the best remedy to reduce acne and acne scars on the skin, as It eliminates all the excess oil from the skin and makes it glowing.

How to Use:
- Take half a tablespoon of clay mask.
- Add rosewater to it.
- Make a paste and apply it to your face.
- Leave for 10 minutes and rinse it off.
Although, acne scars are stubborn and perhaps the most difficult kind of skin issue. But still, it's not impossible to get rid of them. Simply following a simple lifestyle and persistent skincare routine can help to avoid such issues.
We can conclude that acne treatment is a multifaceted approach. After knowing the root cause of your acne, adopting an appropriate skincare routine can visibly show the results.
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7 Home Remedies For Oily Skin And Pimples
Night-Time Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Are acne scars common?
Yes, acne scars are quite common in several people, particularly in people who are going through pubic age, menopause, or living in hot and humid regions.
Q2. Should I be worried about acne scars?
Getting worried is not a solution to any problem. You can get rid of this problem by using medical aid, and good quality product usage, as well as with the help of the above-mentioned home remedies.
Q3. Are there any home remedies for acne scars?
There are several reasons for acne scars at home. Using aloe vera, honey & coffee mask, and several other home remedies helps a lot in reducing acne scars.
Q4. How to remove acne scars naturally in a week?
Removing acne scars in a week would be an unrealistic goal. They can be mitigated but cannot be removed in a week. But in the long run, by using a consistent skincare routine, they can be removed easily.
Q5. How to get rid of acne scars in 3 days?
It might sound unrealistic. But, you can lessen the acne scar in three days by applying DIY masks at home. Besides that, some topical applications and treatments also help to hide the appearance of acne scars.