Review Guidelines

We really appreciate that you are spending your precious time reviewing our product that you really used.

All product reviews are subject to VINCÉ Terms and Conditions. Without limiting the contents of the foregoing. Your precious reviews help others to get the right product and get the right decision for their skin and hair.

So, when you are writing your review, please follow these guidelines:


  1. Before writing a review at least you have used VINCÉ with full-size products for 60 days and give your honest opinion.
  2. Provide details about why you liked or disliked a product.
  3. Due to the nature of an allergic reaction to any product(s), we may not approve a review that is not conclusive with the average user's experience.
  4. All submitted reviews are subject to the terms set forth in our Ratings and Review Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right not to post your review if it contains any of the following types of content or violates the Ratings and Review Terms and Conditions:


  1. Obscenities, discriminatory language, or other language not suitable for a public forum
  2. Advertisements, “spam” content, or references to other products, offers, or websites
  3. Any advertisements considered "spam" content, or references to other products, offers, or websites will not be approved.
  4. Email addresses, URLs, phone numbers, physical addresses or other forms of contact information
  5. Critical or spiteful comments on other reviews posted on the page or their authors
  6. Comments which promote commercial goods or services will not be approved.
  7. We reserve the right to not post any review that does not represent the normal user's experience with face natural products.

In addition, if you wish to share feedback with us about product selection, pricing, ordering, delivery or other customer service issues, please do not submit this feedback through a product review. Instead, contact us directly.

Enjoy writing your review!